

Valuable learning tools

Laughter Yoga


Quantum Healing

Ho'Oponopono healing

Past Life

The Power of Vulnerability

Listening to Shame

Lessons from the Mental Hospital

First the Pain, Then the Rising

Favorite Books

Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh

Inward by Yung Pueblo

Transformation Soup by Sark

Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

A Course in Miracles

The Healing Power of Music

Music is a great and powerful healer. It is a universal love language and often a reflection of the divine offering us an incredible force of healing energy! Scientific evidence continues to show the profound effect of healing that the power of music has on our body, mind, and spirit. I have included here a few of the songs that have made an impact on my life. Enjoy!