What Is Hypnotherapy?

How Can It Help You?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful healing modality that allows the brain to return to a mode of consciousness that you once experienced as a child.

It is here that words and images first gained their original connection and meaning. It is from this state that suggestions from a trained therapist can go directly into the subconscious mind and allow access of deeply buried memories.

This is where thoughts, habits, and patterns exist that affect daily living. From this place, we can rewire these associations and bring about profound everlasting transformational change.

Most people think of stage hypnosis when they think of hypnotherapy. Although stage hypnotists do show the power of hypnotic suggestion, this type of hypnosis is designed to entertain an audience, rather than to help a person achieve a specific therapeutic goal.

In personalized hypnotherapy sessions a trained mental health professional will assist a patient to get into a hypnotic state as part of a treatment plan. By utilizing this powerful tool, patients can work on a variety of issues, such as reducing stress, breaking bad habits, mental health issues, sleep disorders, and lessening fears or phobias.

The benefits of clinical hypnotherapy also include improved physical health and personal growth.

Clinical hypnotherapy work uses hypnosis as a form of therapy. Clients will enter a trance-like state that will help them to achieve specific therapeutic goals by tapping into their unconscious mind. While in this relaxed state, patients are more receptive to suggestions and are open to shifting old core beliefs to new positive behaviors or thinking patterns.

This is why Cleveland Clinic defines the term hypnosis as mind-body medicine. Hypnosis: What It Is, Why It’s Done, Benefits & Risks (clevelandclinic.org) The use of hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective for treating a wide variety of conditions, including pain management, trauma, pain control, anxiety, physical issues, weight loss, and depression. It does this without the use of mind-altering drugs that often come with side effects.

However, if you are under the care of a medical doctor for a specific treatment plan, it is a good idea to check with your healthcare professional to determine if hypnosis would be right for you.

What Does Hypnotherapy Do?

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention that allows access to the subconscious mind. In this state, the mind chatter of the conscious mind and the ego can step aside so that the subconscious mind can reveal the source of your problems.

It is here where you can tap into the part of your brain where all of your habits, patterns, beliefs, and thoughts all come from and replace your negative unconscious programming with positive suggestions, so they become a catalyst for change.

This makes hypnotherapy an effective tool for transformation and an excellent opportunity for growth and freedom from pain.

The type of Hypnosis that I practice is called Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. This specific technique is interactive, and you will speak aloud as we journey into your subconscious together and explore the inner workings of your mind in a safe and supported way.

We will also add in an element of spirituality, which is an important factor on the path of discovery and healing. When there is an awareness of the spirit (or soul) incorporated into our healing process, there is a powerful force that can aide in transformation.

Think of it as a quiet place where you can hear what the universe is trying to tell you, a telephone line with a direct connection to the divine.

Hypnosis becomes a bridge between the body, mind, and spirit and allows the creation of greater self-awareness, self-understanding, and a holistic body-mind-spirit connection.

It is a place where you can be supported to hear and experience the wisdom that exists within you and has always been there all along. This can be a very enlightening and life-changing experience.

Does Hypnotherapy Really Work?

Yes, hypnotherapy really does work. It is a completely valid and effective form of therapy that has been shown to be helpful in treating a wide variety of issues, ranging from simple anxieties and phobias to more complex issues like depression and chronic pain.

In fact, many people who have tried hypnotherapy have found it to be so successful that they have continued to use it as a part of their regular self-care routine.

The subconscious mind is the part of our mental processing that happens below the level of conscious awareness. It includes all the things we do automatically, like breathing, as well as the beliefs and memories that drive our behavior. Although we are not usually aware of it, the subconscious mind is constantly active, working to keep us safe and help us function in the world.

When we experience something traumatic or stressful, our subconscious mind can create powerful memories and beliefs that can dictate our behavior long after the event is over. This can lead to problems like anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Hypnotherapy is a way to access the subconscious mind and clear these negative memories and beliefs, which can help reduce stress and improve mental and physical well-being.

If you’re interested in trying hypnotherapy, it’s important to find a qualified practitioner who can tailor the therapy to your specific needs. While there are some do-it-yourself hypnosis programs available, it’s generally best to work with someone who is trained and experienced in this modality and can cater sessions for you.

Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to find a practitioner who can individualize the therapy you are receiving. Transpersonal therapy is client-centered so we will always be focused on your specific path towards healing and change.

What Can Be Treated With Hypnotherapy

The list of what can be treated with hypnosis is endless. You can see some examples listed here: Benefits of Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool that can be compared to cognitive behavioral therapy.

It can be used for a variety of different treatments related to physical, emotional, and psychological dis-order in the body. It can help with things like anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, medical conditions, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, pain management, and trauma.

It can also be used to help contact inner guidance, balance your chakras, and find purpose in your life.

Anything that you want to change in your life can be looked at through the lens of hypnosis. This is because the mind and body are connected and work together to create our outside world.

Hypnosis is a great tool to go within and discover more about what is causing any type of discomfort in your life. It is also a great adjunct to traditional therapy and other medical treatments.

What Is The Success Rate of Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis helps the body heal itself. In a study done by The American Journal of Hypnosis, a number of women who underwent reconstructive surgery were entered into a trial and a portion of them were given hypnosis to help heal their surgical sites.

Of those who had hypnosis done compared to those who did not the hypnosis patients healed much faster. In 2003 a study done in England also proved remarkable results in patients with irritable bowl syndrome.

Patients were given three sessions over a 12 week period and over 70% of those patients reported they were much better. Of those 70%, 81% stated that these improvements lasted permanently. You can review more successful studies of on the use of clinical hypnosis here: The Healing Power of Hypnosis.

This study documented by a professional organization regarding hot flashes in women resulted in a reduction of flash scores by 68%. Randomized Trial of a Hypnosis Intervention for Treatment of Hot Flashes Among Breast Cancer Survivors – PMC (nih.gov)

There is a growing interest in alternative medicine, which includes practices like hypnosis. As you can see the success rate of hypnotherapy is very high. Which is why it is a good idea to explore how the practice of hypnosis can help you too.

The success rate of hypnotherapy has been shown to be greater than that of most other types of therapy. This is because the mind and body are connected and when they work together transformational healing can take place.

With all of the information continuing to support the different ways that therapeutic suggestions can improve a person’s life, we are seeing a greater acceptance of hypnosis as an effective treatment for healing today.

How Long Does It Take For Hypnotherapy To Work?

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective way to treat anxiety, stress, pain, and other health conditions. However, it is important to remember that everyone is different and will respond to hypnotherapy differently.

Some people may see results after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions before seeing any improvements. This all depends on the scope of the issue and your willingness to go where the session goes.

There also may be layers to work through on a certain issue and different ways to approach it. Think of it like a cabinet where you have multiple files stored away filled with energy and beliefs about yourself or others.

These all are holding you back and in order to be free they must be released and re-imagined for you to experience the change you desire.

Hypnotherapy is a journey that involves you saying yes to yourself. When you commit to wanting to change and show up in a way the reflects that openness to know, release, and receive, you will experience a shift. Ultimately you will get what you put in, so setting intentions and being ready to dedicate time and energy into your growth work is a necessary component to see everlasting change.

What is A Hypnotherapy Session Like?

When you work with a certified clinical hypnotherapist you are in good hands. In my private practice, we will first discuss your goals and ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed. When you are ready you will be invited to close your eyes and begin to find yourself relaxing more and more.

Guided by my calm and confident voice you will enter a peaceful place where you become more open and begin to allow your conscious mind to let go. You will start to turn inward and feel sensations of pure relaxation in your body, and your mind chatter will diminish.

As you relax deeper you will begin to feel more connected with your subconscious mind – the part of you that knows exactly what you need and how to get there. In this state of pure relaxation, your subconscious is more open and receptive toward giving you information, tools, and resources on exactly what you need for healing.

We will invite this knowledge to come forward and work with it to begin to reprogram your subconscious mind for success and healing.

Once it feels complete, you will begin to come out of the altered state of consciousness and back into full waking consciousness feeling alert, refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated. We will then take time to discuss your experience.

During hypnosis:

• Your eyes will be shut, and you will feel safe

• You will be lying down, in a state of deep relaxation

• Your breathing will be slowed down and you will feel all tension in your body releasing

• You will be aware of everything that is happening around you, but you will feel deeply relaxed and able to enter into past memories with safety and peace; there is no mind control and you can stop the session at any time

• The concept of time will be distorted — it will feel like time has either speeded up or slowed down

• You will hear my voice as though it is coming from a distant place

• You will experience a pleasant euphoric calm in your mind and body.

• Your mind will become more open and drop its barriers and resistance to change

• You will be guided to visualize the changes you desire

How Do You Feel After Hypnotherapy?

After your hypnotherapy session, you will feel more relaxed and at ease. Some people feel refreshed and energized, while others feel sleepy. These are all normal reactions to hypnosis. Most importantly, you will feel empowered and in control.

You may find that you have a greater understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This newfound awareness can help you make positive changes in your life both consciously and subconsciously.

This is because hypnosis helps to retrain your brain to respond differently to triggers and stressors in your environment. As a result, you may find that you are better able to manage your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a more positive way.

It also helps you to find purpose and meaning behind the reason that things are occurring in your life, which ultimately gives you insight and answers into your own wellness journey. When you can start to see things from this new viewpoint the energy behind what is causing the pain in your life dissipates and the symptoms of your ailments will reduce and ultimately be released.

You Are Ready To Say Yes To Change Through Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a powerful agent for change. Just like the butterfly that must go inward to gain its beautiful wings, hypnosis is a way that you can transform your life and fly. When you are ready to make changes in your life, and when you are willing to go inward to achieve those changes, hypnosis can be a valuable tool to help you achieve success.

This incredible tool can aid in the quest to heal your life and feel better than you have ever felt before. If you are ready to say yes to change, I am here to help. Contact me today to discuss how you are a good candidate for hypnosis and schedule your first session.

Call me at 305-336-4685 or email me. I look forward to speaking with you.

Enlightenment is Always Preceeded by Confusion.

-Milton Erickson

Change Your Mind. Change Your Life.