ShoutOut Miami Interview of Hypnotherapist Samantha Rosenbaum

Below is an interview of Samantha Rosenbaum, Hypnotherapist & Somatic Healer published on Shoutout Miami on April 5, 2023.

We had the good fortune of connecting with Samantha Rosenbaum and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Samantha, is there something you can share with us that those outside of the industry might not be aware of?
Typically, when people hear about hypnosis, they think of stage performances where people do silly things. They may also think of the person who used it to stop smoking, or the person who lost weight and had great success.

While these contribute to prove that hypnosis does work, I am here to share that there is so much more that hypnotherapy can do.

Hypnosis goes back thousands of years to ancient practices that have utilized its power. As a collective, we are now more aware of the research that shows an important link between the mind and the body and how our internal thoughts directly affect what we see and experience in our outer world.

It is more and more evident that we must go inside ourselves to change what is happening externally and the only person who can truly do that is you.

While this may seem like a daunting task, it is easier than you think! Hypnosis with a trained professional is a supportive and collaborative process. Hypnotherapy uses altered states of consciousness to achieve a desired outcome more easily because it works with the flow of the body and the mind.

People often think, “I can’t be hypnotized” however you would be surprised to know that you enter the hypnotic state at least two times a day, failing asleep and waking up.

There are other times you may experience this state, remember when you missed the exit because you were on autopilot, or when you were reading a book and you just zoned out? These are also altered states of consciousness achieved automatically.

Hypnosis applies this altered state of consciousness to help people get out of their thinking mind and tap into their subconscious mind, where there is access to an unlimited amount of information, insight, and healing that can be used for transformation.

This is helpful for anything from anxiety and pain to reoccurring patterns or exploring clarity and direction into your life and its purpose.

This process encourages you to trust yourself and your answers, which ultimately leads to more self-empowerment as you learn that your own internal guidance system will point you in the right direction.

The key components that are needed to achieve results are the belief that you can and will change, the commitment to do the work, and a willingness to be open to the experience. It is important to note that hypnosis is not a magic wand, and it will still take time and your efforts to see this change actualize in your life.

At a period when money and time are more valuable than ever, hypnosis becomes a shortcut to the root cause of whatever it is that calls to be healed in your life. By using this modality, you will tune into deeper levels of your body, mind, and spirit and move towards a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I have seen firsthand the incredible gifts that hypnosis can offer which is what led me to this path of helping others. It is my passion to support people in unlocking their own inner healer by igniting transformation and a higher purpose from within.

In my experience, you can only take people as far as you have been, and for me, I continue to do the internal work so that I can show up and be the highest and best version for myself and others. It is through my genuine care and passion for this healing work that I am dedicated to showing people what it looks like when you face your challenges and overcome them.

I have learned that in this earth school we live in we will always have lessons to learn, and when we have a supportive, present person that can hold space for us and walk alongside us, it becomes much easier to transform anything and everything.

I want people to know that I am here to empower you to help yourself. To remind you that you have everything you could ever want and need inside yourself, and I am here to help you achieve this or something even better. What else is possible? How can it get any better than that!

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I absolutely love this city I live in, Delray Beach. I have been here for 10 years now and I feel blessed to watch it grow and evolve into the beautiful conscious community it is.

Since I enjoy being outside as much as possible, I would head over to Green Cay Nature Center where I get my nature fix. Next stop would be to The Morikami Gardens to spend time amongst the beautifully created Zen garden that embodies pure tranquility. Having young kids, I always stop at Delray Beach Children’s Garden.

This amazing place features a little fairy garden, edible plants, and a place where my boys can let their imagination run wild as they learn, grow, and explore.

We would also check out the Atha Yoga Shala for some yoga or a specially curated event in their thoughtful and magical space. And I wouldn’t leave out a trip to the beautiful Delray Beach for a dip in the ocean and some vitamin D!

With all the happenings, a quick and healthy bite on the go is the right fit for the adventure lifestyle. My favorite fresh pressed juices are made locally by Marsha with Nutradiva and delivered right to my door.

They are the ultimate treat for this South Florida weather, and her blue lagoon and sweet beet are our family favorites. For a quick stop we enjoy playa bowls or raw juice but if we also have some extra time we head to Anthonys Coal Fire Pizza or Deck 84 right on the water.

Master Hypnotherapist

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?

Training with the National Association of Transpersonal Therapists has contributed greatly to my success. In addition to their thorough trainings, they have provided resources, connections, and support that are invaluable.

I have also gained a wonderful mentor, Randy Tate, who continues to be a shining light in my life. His guidance and support have reinforced my belief that anything is possible when you show up, connect to source, and stay true to who you are.

My fellow hypnotherapists at The Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis have also been another blessing in my life. Monthly meetings with these incredible women that are practicing this powerful and unique work are something that continue to give me new tools and knowledge to apply in my practice.

Another woman who I would like to give a shout out to is Danna Pycher with Transformation Clinic. Danna was the first hypnotherapist that I had a session with, which changed the trajectory of my path. In working with her I was given a chance to see how this modality could transform my life and ultimately led me to helping others do the same.



